Articles & Multimedia
Showing 261-280 of 352 Publications
China Looms Large in Australia's New Strategy
For a middle power, Australia has long defined its national interests in very broad terms. It has sent its troops alongside U.S. forces to Iraq and Afghanistan, and over the y...
By Richard Fontaine
US caught off guard by Russia's military drawdown in Syria
Watch the latest video at
By Richard Fontaine
CNAS Commentary: A Bipartisan National Security Agenda for an Election Year
As the country turns its attention to the Democratic and Republican primaries, it is tempting to assume that the United States should postpone any bold national security moves...
By Michèle Flournoy & Richard Fontaine
Doom and Gloom: Five Key Takeaways from the Munich Security Conference
Last weekend, the world’s national security establishment gathered for the annual Munich Security Conference. What was once an exclusively transatlantic affair has become far ...
By Richard Fontaine
Obama’s ‘Slippery Slope’ Delusion
In his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama sounded a familiar and somewhat defensive theme about the Islamic State. Let’s not overreact, he said, against “masse...
By Richard Fontaine
Refugees Need New Places to Live—and Jobs When They Get There
Four years ago the Zaatari refugee camp in northern Jordan did not exist. Today, housing about 80,000 Syrian refugees just miles from the international border, it is one of Jo...
By Richard Fontaine
The U.S. Can Thaw India-Pakistan Relations
Narendra Modi’s surprise Christmas Day visit to Pakistan stunned the world. Photos of the Indian prime minister holding hands in Lahore with his counterpart Nawaz Sharif offer...
By Richard Fontaine
Shaping U.S. Policy on Islamic State Amid Shifting Politics
An ABC News-Washington Post poll conducted after the Nov. 13 Paris attacks found that 73% of Americans support increased airstrikes against Islamic State and 60% favor increas...
By Richard Fontaine
Why Closing Borders to Syrian Refugees Won't Stem Terrorist Threats
Reactions to the Middle East refugee crisis have been transformed by news that at least one of the Paris attackers traveled to Europe among a group of Syrian asylum-seekers. S...
By Richard Fontaine
How to Fight-and Beat-ISIS
In bringing terror to one of the world’s most beloved cities, ISIS did far more than wreak devastation on Parisians out for a Friday evening. The coordinated attacks ensured t...
By Richard Fontaine
Projecting Power in the South China Sea
Beijing’s land reclamation in the South China Sea has prompted reports that the U.S. Navy will soon conduct freedom of navigation exercises in the area. If they pass within 12...
By Richard Fontaine
Seoul's China Gambit
At the United Nations General Assembly on Monday, South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye called on the international community to turn its attention to North Korea and its nucl...
By Richard Fontaine
Obama Needs an ISIS War Czar Before It's Too Late
With the Islamic State, or ISIS, still entrenched across a large swath of Iraq and Syria after a year of U.S.-led airstrikes, the Obama administration is under growing critici...
By Richard Fontaine
After the Deal, Strengthen Our Iran Policy
With the president having secured the congressional votes necessary to ensure the Iran deal enters into force, our elected leaders should turn their attention to America’s bro...
By Michèle Flournoy & Richard Fontaine
Diplomacy in the Time of Repression
Note: Article originally published on Wall Street Journal Asia. Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s first state visit to Washington takes place this month amid China’s fiercest crackd...
By Richard Fontaine
Richard Fontaine discusses new report on combatting ISIS
By Richard Fontaine
Video: CNAS 2015 Annual Conference - 2017 and Beyond
By Julianne Smith & Richard Fontaine
Lean Forward in Iraq
The announcement this month that 450 additional U.S. trainers and support troops will deploy to Iraq represents a modest step forward in the fight against the Islamic State. B...
By Michèle Flournoy & Richard Fontaine
Economic Growth Is a National Security Issue
From the polls, one might think that a stark partisan divide has developed about which issue is of greatest importance to the nation. Take The Wall Street Journal/NBC News sur...
By Michèle Flournoy & Richard Fontaine
Japan Leads a New Asian Order
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress later this month will mark the first time a Japanese leader has spoken before America’s premier ven...
By Richard Fontaine