Articles & Multimedia
Showing 21-24 of 24 Publications
Afghanistan's Troubled Transition
One word sums up the current preoccupation in Afghanistan: in Dari it’s “inteqal”; in English, "transition.” For both Afghans and the international community, transition remai...
By Jacob Stokes
Assessing the Cyber Executive Order
The Obama administration has released an Executive Order (EO) designed to improve the cybersecurity of the nation’s critical infrastructures such as power plants, financial sy...
By Irving Lachow & Jacob Stokes
Renewing America's Strategic Solvency
Foreign policy experts are likely to feel spurned when President Obama gives his State of the Union speech on Tuesday. Some may interpret the President’s focus on jobs and the...
By Jacob Stokes & Shawn Brimley
Help wanted: Geek squads for US cybersecurity
Finding enough qualified men and women to protect America’s cyber networks stands as one of the central challenges to America’s cybersecurity. Even in the computer age, people...
By Jacob Stokes & Kristin M. Lord