Articles & Multimedia
Showing 741-760 of 1093 Publications
Is Israel increasing its role in Syrian conflict?
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comIn a Fox News interview, Research Assocaite Nick Heras believe the strikes against ISIS are significant in the fight against both Sy...
By Nicholas Heras
Beyond Offset Working Group Interview: Ben FitzGerald
Senior Fellow Ben FitzGerald discusses the importance of the Beyond Offset project and provides recommendations for the Department of the Defense's third offset strategy....
By Ben FitzGerald
Hagel's Departure and DOD Offset Strategy
Senior Fellow Ben FitzGerald and CSBA's Robert Martinage discuss Sec. Chuck Hagel's departure from the Department of Defense and DOD's Offset Strategy....
By Ben FitzGerald
Redesigning the All-Volunteer Force of the Future
By Phillip Carter
The U.S. Military: Both A Part of Us and Apart From Us
Keynote: GEN Martin Dempsey on Civil-Military Relations
Channel News Asia: President Obama's Trip to Asia
Watch the full interview at Channel News Asia....
By Ely Ratner
Dr Patrick Cronin @ BGF Framework for Peace and Security in the Pacific Conference, Nov 10, 2014
Asia-Pacific Security Director Dr. Patrick M. Cronin joins the Boston Global Forum conference to discuss building a Framework for peace and security in the Pacific, held at Ha...
By Patrick M. Cronin
Obama Brings Sober View of China to APEC: Ratner
By Ely Ratner
Former Navy SEAL claims he fired shot that killed Osama bin Laden
By Jerry Hendrix
Kim Jong Un loses the cane
By Patrick M. Cronin
Video: President Richard Fontaine on India’s Global Future
Watch the full interview on The Kennedy Center's website....
By Richard Fontaine
Rapid Reaction on Wartime OPCON
By Patrick M. Cronin
Attack of the Drones: Responding to the Newest Type of Provocation
By Van Jackson
Vietnam agreed to control the South China Sea conflict, the crisis is expected to lift?
By Alexander Sullivan
Breaking down how serious a threat ISIS is
By Nora Bensahel
Highlights: Book Launch: Knife Fights: A Memoir of Modern War in Theory and Practice
By John A. Nagl
Video: Army National Guard Panel Discussion at AUSA 2014 Panel Discussion
By Nora Bensahel
The Fletcher School: Thinking About Think Tanks: Keynote and Welcome
By Michèle Flournoy
Highlights: Department of Defense and Industry Innovation Agenda
By Michèle Flournoy