Articles & Multimedia
Showing 921-940 of 1094 Publications
Command Post: "Iraq: Was That Lack of Immunity for U.S. Troops Simply an Excuse to Pull Out?"
The Obama Administration has said it had no choice but to pull out of Iraq by year's end after the Iraqi parliament made it clear it would not grant U.S. troops immunity from ...
Command Post: "Why Are There So Many Military Suicides?"
The problem of suicides continues to haunt Pentagon personnel officials. After 10 years of war, the suicide rate has climbed and remains stubbornly high despite numerous initi...
Video Highlights - Losing the Battle: The Challenge of Military Suicide
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) held an event, Losing the Battle, on November 1, 2011, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., to discuss the issue of suicide in the U.S. mili...
Video - Losing the Battle: The Challenge of Military Suicide (Q&A)
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) held an event, Losing the Battle, on November 1, 2011, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., to discuss the issue of suicide in the U.S. milita...
Video - Losing the Battle: The Challenge of Military Suicide (Panel Discussion)
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) held an event, Losing the Battle, on November 1, 2011, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., to discuss the issue of suicide in the U.S. milita...
Command Post: "Is It Smart to Pull All U.S. Troops Out of Iraq by Year's End?"
It's one of the biggest – and potentially, most consequential – decisions President Obama has made (not that he had much choice, according to some). He has announced that the ...
Command Post: "What Will Afghanistan Be Like in 10 Years?"
We know what the past decade has been like in Afghanistan -- 1,822 American troops killed, at a financial cost of a half-trillion dollars. Was it worth it? What will this coun...
Command Post: "Is All the Money the U.S. is Pouring into Afghanistan Doing More Harm Than Good?"
Some 90% of the money in and around Afghanistan is coming from the United States and its allies. Yet this tidal wave of cash is distorting the Afghan economy, breeding corrupt...
Command Post: "Is the U.S. Readying to Strike More Often Inside Pakistan?"
Relations between Washington and Islamabad may be at an all-time low. Was the daring SEAL raid into Abbottabad to kill Osama bin Laden nearly six months ago a one-off event? O...
Command Post: "Are U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan Prematurely?"
Or is it about time? That all depends, of course, on what you think the U.S. mission in Afghanistan -- now a decade old -- actually is. We have booted the Taliban from power, ...
Command Post: "How Can We Avoid a 'Hollow Military' This Time Around?"
Old-timers recall with dread the so-called "hollow Army" the U.S. had following the Vietnam War, which crystallized in 1980's failed rescue mission of the U.S. hostages held b...
By Nora Bensahel
Afghanistan: A look back at a decade of war
Hard Choices: Responsible Defense in an Age of Austerity - Video
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) held a conference on its newly released report, Hard Choices: Responsible Defense in an Age of Austerity, on October 7, 2011. H...
By Nora Bensahel
Command Post: Can We Cut Pentagon Spending Enough by Eliminating Waste, Fraud and Abuse?
They're three of the Pentagon's perpetual enemies: waste, fraud and abuse. It's so common it sometimes morphs an acronym – WFA. If it's such a big part of military spending, c...
By Nora Bensahel
Command Post: "OK...I'll Bite: Why is Cutting the Defense Budget So Tough?"
So just what is it that makes cutting the defense budget so difficult? How much is objectively hard, and how much is subjective, due to pork, politics and precedent? John Nagl...
By Nora Bensahel
Command Post: "What's This 'Super Committee' and Why Is the Pentagon So Scared Of It?"
There have been lots of rumbles rolling from Capitol Hill, the Pentagon and the White House about this so-called "Super Committee" of 12 lawmakers – officially the Joint Selec...
By Nora Bensahel
Command Post: "Does the U.S. Always Need an Enemy?"
Wrapping up our discussion on China, we're wondering if the U.S. has some innate compulsion to find a foe. If so, is it prudence or panic? We tackle the issue with Patrick Cro...
Command Post: "Is China Getting Ready to Try and Kick the U.S. Out of the Western Pacific?"
Continuing this week on Command Post, our tour of the national-security challenges associated with the Middle Kingdom. John Nagl, of the Center for a New American Security, an...
War Veterans' Adjustment to Civilian Life, Keynote Addresses
John Nagl and Terrie Suit gave keynote addresses at the U.S. Naval Institute and Military Officers Association Wounded Warriors Forum on reintegrating returning war veterans i...
Command Post: "Does Mutual U.S.-China Economic Dependence Rule Out War?"
Continuing our discussion this week on China, we're tackling a corollary of Tom Friedman's McDonald's Rule -- countries with McDonald's restaurants generally don't wage war on...