Articles & Multimedia
Showing 941-960 of 1094 Publications
Command Post: "How Big a Threat Does China Pose?"
This week on Command Post, John Nagl of the Center for a New American Security and I probe the threat -- or whatever it is -- posed by China. We're joined in the discussion by...
Command Post: The Human Toll Taken by a Decade of War
Just how worn out are our troops because of non-stop combat since 9/11? To what degree has that contributed to problems like PTSD, family breakups and suicide in the ranks? T...
Command Post: "How Did the U.S. Military Retool Itself Post-9/11?"
In the decade after 9/11, just how much did the U.S. military have to recalibrate to fight the wars it found itself launching in Afghanistan and, 18 months later, in Iraq? Thi...
By Eric Schmitt
Counterstrike: The Untold Story Of America's Secret Campaign Against Al Qaeda - Video
In the years following the 9/11 attacks, the United States waged a "war on terror" that sought to defeat Al Qaeda through brute force. It soon became clear, however, that this...
By Eric Schmitt
Command Post: "Did the U.S. Overreact to 9/11?"
It's a fair question as the 10th anniversary of the horrific attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon looms. After all, it was the most shocking macro-event most Ame...
By Eric Schmitt
Command Post: "How Has U.S. National Security Changed Since 9/11?"
It's hard to believe -- at least for some of us -- that it has been a decade since 9/11. Before then, covering the military meant going out to the National Training Center at ...
By Eric Schmitt
Command Post: "Who Are the Real Cyber-Warriors?"
National-security debates used to be a lot easier when it took a nation-state to raise an army and build an arsenal. To hear some cyber-defense experts tell it, today a cyberw...
Command Post: "Cyber War: Fact or Fiction?"
Defending against the invisible menace of online cyber-attacks has become one of the Pentagon's biggest growth areas. But should it be? Kristin Lord of the Center for a New Am...
Command Post: "How Vulnerable Is Our Infrastructure to Cyber Attack?"
The folks who get paid to stay up at night worrying about cyber-security are always telling us that our basic infrastructure -- the online computer networks that run our water...
Command Post: "How Tough Is It to Tell Who Launched a Cyber Attack?"
The word attribution always crops up when experts debate the challenges of deterring a cyber attack. It simply means determining just who is responsible for nefarious acts onl...
Patrick Cronin on Voice of America's The Platform
CNAS Senior Director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program Patrick Cronin talks to VOA’s The Platform about potential cooperation between China and Pakistan and how this affect...
Command Post: "Is a Cyber Pearl Harbor on the Horizon?"
This week on Command Post, John Nagl of the Center for a New American Security and I discuss the potential horror -- and the potential hype -- of cyber war with James Lewis of...
MG Jeffrey Buchanan, USA Discussion on Operation New Dawn: Bridge to an Enduring Partnership - Q&A
Iraq has the potential to become a pivotal strategic partner for the United States and its allies in the region. But Iraq is also undergoing its democratic transition and its ...
MG Jeffrey Buchanan, USA Discussion on Operation New Dawn: Bridge to an Enduring Partnership - Remarks
In light of the impending end of the United States Forces–Iraq mission this December, Major General Jeffrey Buchanan, USA, Director of Strategic Effects for United States Forc...
Command Post: "Does It Make Sense for Obama to Bar U.S. Combat Boots in Libya?"
War, first and foremost, is a collection of choices. When President Obama ruled out the use of U.S. military boots on the ground inside Libya, it may have made political sense...
Command Post: "Why Did It Take the U.S. So Long to Recognize the Libyan Rebels?"
After five months of bombing the government of Muammar Gadaffi, the U.S. finally recognized Libya's rebel forces. Was this the right decision, and, if so -- why did it take so...
Command Post: "Why Can't NATO Whup Libya?"
As NATO's war against Libya nears its sixth-month anniversary, there's one question that keeps churning over and over again in what passes for my mind: why can't the most powe...
Command Post: "Why Did the U.S. Hand Off the Libyan War to NATO?"
Why did the U.S. military agree to do the "heavy lifting" in the opening days of the war with Libya -- launching long-range bombing strikes from the continental U.S., among ot...
By John A. Nagl
Command Post: "Why Are We at War With Libya?"
This week on Command Post we're taking a look at what has been going on for more than five months -- yikes, by my watch that's nearly half a year -- in Libya. This was suppose...
By John A. Nagl
Command Post: "Should The U.S. Military Be the World's Cop?"
Following World War II, perhaps it was inevitable that the U.S. military would be consigned to walking beats around the world like a neighborhood cop -- from Europe to Asia --...
By Nora Bensahel