Articles & Multimedia
Showing 981-1000 of 8630 Publications
In a Visit with an Old Friend, Israel’s Herzog Can Help Biden Make the Strategic Choice
For the United States to pivot toward dealing with the priorities of Russia and China, it will need to put the Middle East in a position to provide for more of its own securit...
By Jonathan Lord
Around the Table with Natalia Cote Muñoz
Around the Table is a three-question interview series from the Make Room email newsletter. Each edition features a conversation with a peer in the national security community ...
By Natalia Cote Muñoz
Xi Jinping: An Echo of Saddam?
Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power at the recent Communist Party congress in Beijing was accomplished with a Shakespearean twist. Xi’s predecessor as president, Hu Jintao, se...
By Robert D. Kaplan
A Conversation with Under Secretary of Commerce Alan F. Estevez
On October 27, 2022, the CNAS Technology and National Security Program hosted Alan Estevez, Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security at the U.S. Department of Com...
By Martijn Rasser
Will We Win the War and Lose the Peace in Ukraine
Andrew Weiss of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Andrea Kendall-Taylor of the Center for a New American Security join's Deep State Radio to talk about the l...
By Andrea Kendall-Taylor
The Afghan Financial Sector
Alex Zerden joins RUSI to discuss the Unintended Consequences of Sanctions within the Afghan Financial Sector. Watch the full interview from Royal United Services Institute....
By Alex Zerden
Democracies Must Stop Playing Games with Myanmar’s Representation at the United Nations
Member States that believe in human rights and democracy must take the necessary steps to give back to the Burmese people — from whom so much has been taken — their voice....
By Kelley Eckels Currie
Fallen Hero Honor Ride
Chris Kolenda joined CNN Jake Tapper to discuss the Fallen Hero Honor Ride & its conclusion at Arlington National Cemetery. Watch the full interview from CNN....
By Chris Kolenda
Deterrence with Lisa Curtis and Bec Shrimpton
In this special episode of Policy, Guns, and Money, Justin Bassi speaks to Lisa Curtis, Senior Fellow and Director of the Indo-Pacific Security Program at CNAS, and former sen...
By Lisa Curtis
U.S. Takes New Step in ‘Chip War’ with China
Martijn Rasser discusses the United States & China's stance on advanced chips and its impact on Europe on NPO Radio. Listen to the full interview from NPO Radio1....
By Martijn Rasser
How to Fight Drones in Ukraine
Stacie Pettyjohn, a senior fellow and director of the Defense program here at the Center for a New American Security, joined The Globe and Mail to tell us how recently deploye...
By Stacie Pettyjohn
Sharper: The State of AI
The U.S. government's recent chip export controls are the latest salvo in the U.S.–China rivalry in artificial intelligence. Semiconductors are a key input for AI systems and ...
By Anna Pederson
Russia Attacks Ukraine Power Supply Causing Widespread Blackouts
Russia's use of Kimazie drones in the Russia - Ukraine conflict is currently impacting the power supply in Ukraine. Samuel Bendett joined Nick Schifrin on PBS to discuss these...
By Samuel Bendett
AUKUS Has Big Technology Hurdles with Some Very Big Rewards
Amid the rise of Chinese power and the changing Indo-Pacific dynamic, allies like Australia and the US must work together even more closely than before....
By Richard Fontaine
Under Pressure: The Present and Future of International Order
Defending a liberal international order requires unity and commitment. It entails costs....
By Richard Fontaine
Why Putin Is Escalating Aerial Bombings in Ukraine
Andrea Kendall-Taylor, a former CIA analyst and intelligence officer, and current senior fellow and director of the Transatlantic Security Program at the Center for a New Amer...
By Andrea Kendall-Taylor
Biden’s Foreign Policy Explained
Richard Fontaine, a former advisor to Senator John McCain and CEO of The Center for a New America Security, joins Chas and John of ABC News Australia to discuss international ...
By Richard Fontaine
Chief of the U.S. Army Reserve Seminar: Shaping the Army Reserve for 2030 & Beyond
Kate Kuzminski, Senior Fellow and Director of the Military, Veterans, and Society program at CNAS joined the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) where Chief of Army R...
By Katherine L. Kuzminski
The DSR Daily Bonus Brief: China’s 20th Communist Party Congress Pt. 1 & Pt. 2
DSR Daily Brief Hosts Grant Haver and Chris Cotnoir talk with Jacob Stokes, a Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, about the upcoming Chinese Communist Par...
By Jacob Stokes
Carrie Cordero Keynote Speech: "Protecting the Protectors: Preventing and Mitigating Domestic Violent Extremism in the Military, Veterans and Law Enforcement Communities"
Drawing from the forthcoming Center for a New American Security (CNAS) report, "Protecting the Protectors: Preventing and Mitigating Domestic Violent Extremism in the Military...
By Carrie Cordero