Articles & Multimedia
Showing 1-20 of 42 Publications
Two Cheers for Esper’s Plan to Reassert Civilian Control of the Pentagon
The longest-ever gap in civilian leadership atop the Department of Defense came to an end on July 23, when Mark Esper was sworn in as secretary of defense. His presence in the...
By Loren DeJonge Schulman, Alice Hunt Friend & Mara Karlin
CNAS experts break down Trump's new National Security Strategy
CNAS Deputy Director of Studies dives into the Trump administration's National Security Strategy, talking strategy development, messaging, and implementation with CNAS experts...
By Loren DeJonge Schulman, Jerry Hendrix, Ilan Goldenberg & Daniel Kliman
Shaping U.S. Policy on Islamic State Amid Shifting Politics
An ABC News-Washington Post poll conducted after the Nov. 13 Paris attacks found that 73% of Americans support increased airstrikes against Islamic State and 60% favor increas...
By Richard Fontaine
Introducing Agenda SecDef
One year from now, somewhere in a small suite of offices at the Pentagon, a team of civil servants, military officers, and a smattering of outside civilians will be hard at wo...
By Loren DeJonge Schulman & Shawn Brimley
ISIS and the Logic of Anarchy
The terrorist attacks in Paris, beyond their obvious horror, recalled to me the words of the late Bernard Fall, a French-American historian and war correspondent in Vietnam. I...
By Robert D. Kaplan
How to Fight-and Beat-ISIS
In bringing terror to one of the world’s most beloved cities, ISIS did far more than wreak devastation on Parisians out for a Friday evening. The coordinated attacks ensured t...
By Richard Fontaine
Countering Russian Nuclear Strategy In Central Europe
The Setting Conflict involving Russia has become materially more plausible in Eastern Europe in recent years. Coupled with Russia’s increased focus on manipulating its large a...
By Elbridge Colby
America Must Prepare for 'Limited War'
AMERICA’S MILITARY preeminence is eroding. As the Pentagon and defense experts are becoming increasingly fervent in insisting, there are growing challenges to the dominance of...
By Elbridge Colby
Terrible But Justified: The U.S. A-Bomb Attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Were the atomic bomb attacks on Japan in August 1945 justifiable? As the world marks the 70th anniversary of these momentous and terrifying events, it is important to ask this...
By Elbridge Colby
Security assistance isn't the quick fix the US thinks it is
Building partner capacity, or BPC, has become all the rage. But the recent capture of U.S.-trained rebels in Syria by the al Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra front is the latest in a...
By Dafna Rand
America's Allies Want More From the US
During the past several years, U.S. allies got a “reset” and a “rebalance,” but what they really need and want is reassurance. During our time in the Obama administration, we ...
By Julianne Smith
Can We Finally Get an AUMF Right?
On Wednesday the White House sent legislative text to the Senate and House of Representatives that would authorize military force against the self-declared Islamic State, init...
By Richard Fontaine & Vance Serchuk
Interview: "Does America Have the Right Strategy to Take on ISIS?"
By Richard Fontaine
Cuts to defense spending are hurting our national security
This summer’s dramatic global events — from the rise of the Islamic State, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, war between Hamas and Israel, violent confrontations and air strikes i...
By Amb. Eric S. Edelman & Michèle Flournoy
A Conservative Defense Policy for 2014: Look to Eisenhower
Recent discussions amongst Republicans regarding US Defense force structure have revealed an ongoing disagreement between two camps within the party. Military Hawks, citing t...
By Jerry Hendrix
Interview: Michèle Flournoy on PBS NewsHour on fighting the Islamic State
By Michèle Flournoy
Our Unrealist President
Even before his presidency began, Barack Obama articulated a foreign-policy course markedly different from that of his immediate predecessors. Not only did he present himself ...
By Elbridge Colby
#ThinkDefense: CEO Michèle Flournoy and NPR's Tom Bowman's Twitter Chat
CNAS CEO Michèle Flournoy (@micheleflournoy) and NPR Pentagon Reporter Tom Bowman (@TBowmanNPR) took to Twitter to chat about today's most pressing national security issues in...
By JaRel Clay
Video: Ben FitzGerald on VOA News Discussing Spying Charges Against China
WASHINGTON — The U.S. indictment of Chinese army officers on charges that they spied on American industries reveals a basic disagreement about what the two nations consider as...
By Ben FitzGerald
Finishing the Nation’s Longest War
The headlines earlier this week on Afghanistan mark a rare front page story for a war that has largely gone forgotten in the United States. Negotiations between Secretary of ...
By David W. Barno & USA (Ret.)