Digital Freedom Forum
Technology was supposed to be the great "democratizer" of our age. The advent of the internet and social media promised to wrench control of information from the hands of a few and distribute it to the many, to air marginalized perspectives, to elevate new views in a meritocracy of ideas, and even to propagate a more open society. Yet, increasingly, that vision is under threat. Technology created for social good is used instead for malicious ends —disinformation campaigns on social media threaten public discourse, facial recognition technologies deepen the hold of autocratic regimes over their populations, and user data is exploited to target individuals for manipulation. The Digital Freedom Forum aims to recapture the original promise of digital technologies to both combat the spread of high-tech illiberalism and purvey a more open world, where free and open systems of governance — and the citizens within them — can thrive.
The Digital Freedom Forum is an effort by private sector leaders, policymakers, academics, and civil society experts to identify solutions to protect digital democracy in the United States and abroad. The Forum, one line of effort in the CNAS-wide initiative on Countering High-Tech Illiberalism, will recommend to policymakers what tools, technologies, and policies can maintain the integrity of digital technologies and defeat their abuse by malign actors.
Forum Chairs
Secretary Jeh Johnson
Former Member, CNAS Board of Directors, Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison LLP
Nicole Wong
Former Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the United States
Forum Research Team
Paul Scharre
Executive Director
Forum Members
Tom Bossert
President, Trinity Cyber, Inc.
Dr. David Danks
Professor of Data Science & Philosophy, University of California, San Diego
Renée DiResta
Mozilla Fellow in Media, Misinformation, and Trust & Technical Research Manager, Stanford Internet Observatory
Alexandra Reeve Givens
President & CEO, Center for Democracy & Technology
Susan M. Gordon
Event Guest Speaker, Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
Dr. Sheena Chestnut Greitens
Associate Professor of Public Affairs, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin
Richard Fontaine
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Andrew Imbrie
Senior Fellow, Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Georgetown University
Jamil N. Jaffer
Founder and Executive Director, National Security Institute, George Mason University, Vice President for Strategy, Partnerships & Corporate Development, IronNet Cybersecurity
Elsa B. Kania
Adjunct Senior Fellow, Technology and National Security Program
Dr. Aynne Kokas
Assistant Professor of Media Studies, University of Virginia
Danika Laszuk
General Manager, Betaworks Camp
Kevin Martin
Vice President, US Public Policy, Facebook
Dr. Chris Meserole
Fellow in Foreign Policy and Deputy Director of the Brookings Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology Initiative, Brookings Institution
James Murdoch
Co-Founder, Quadrivium Foundation
Dr. Alina Polyakova
President and CEO, Center for European Policy Analysis
Martijn Rasser
Former Senior Fellow and Director, Technology and National Security Program
Dr. Nadia Schadlow
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, President, Scout Strategy Group, LLC
Dr. Kori Schake
Director of Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute
Dr. Sarah Sewall
Executive Vice President, Policy, IQT
Raj Shah
Member, CNAS Board of Advisors, Managing Partner, Shield Capital, and Co-Founder and Chairman, Resilience
Maya Wang
Senior China Researcher, Human Rights Watch