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Book Event: Startup Rising: The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East

Oct 29, 2013
5:30pm to 7:30pm ET

The Willard InterContinental Hotel
Washington, DC

On Tuesday, October 29, The
Center for a New American Security (CNAS) held a book event
for Startup Rising:The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East
by Christopher Schroeder, member of the CNAS Board of Advisors. View the event below:

Event Speakers:

Author of Startup Rising: The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East
Board of Advisors, Center for a New American Security and
Chief Executive Officer of and, Newsweek


Executive Officer, Endgame, Inc.

Member, Board of Directors and former CEO, Center for a New American Security

Rising: The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East
be on sale and Mr. Schroeder will be available to sign copies of the book
after the discussion from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m.

& Time:
Tuesday, October
29, 2013
5:30-6:00 p.m.: Guest registration and book sales
6:00-7:00 p.m.: Moderated discussion followed by Q&A
7:00-7:30 p.m.: Book-signing and cocktail reception


Willard InterContinental Hotel's Willard Room

1401 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20004

About the Book

As a
seasoned angel investor in emerging markets, Mr. Schroeder was curious but
skeptical about the future of investing in the Arab world.  Traveling to
Dubai, Cairo, Amman, Beirut, Istanbul, and even Damascus, he saw thousands of
talented, successful, and intrepid entrepreneurs, all willing to face cultural,
legal, and societal impediments inherent to their worlds. In Startup
Rising:The Entrepreneurial Revolution Remaking the Middle East
, Mr.
Schroeder marries his own observations with the predictions of these tech
giants to offer a surprising and timely look at the second stealth revolution
in the Middle East-one that promises to reinvent it as a center of innovation
and progress.

About the Speakers


is a leading entrepreneur and investor in interactive technologies and social
communications.  He is Chief Executive Officer and Board Member of
HealthCentral, the highest quality collection of condition and
wellness-specific interactive experiences focused on people finding and sharing
real-life experiences related to their health needs. A veteran of online media,
Schroeder served as CEO and Publisher of, Newsweek
Interactive, which hosts and, among other
leading news sites. During his tenure, the Company more than quadrupled in
revenue and audience. Schroeder was a co-founder, and served as Chairman of the
Online Publishers Association (OPA), a leading research and information
organization comprised of the CEOs of top online quality content publishers
(including MSNBC, The New York Times Company, Dow Jones and ESPN).


is the CEO of Endgame, Inc., a venture-backed security intelligence software
company. He was CEO of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) from June
2009 to November 2012, Chief Operating Officer of CNAS in 2008-2009 and a
Fellow at the Center since its founding in 2007. Prior to joining CNAS, Nate
served as a Marine Corps infantry and reconnaissance officer, including combat
tours in Afghanistan in 2001-2002 and Iraq in 2003. He served in 2007 as a
civilian instructor at the Afghanistan Counterinsurgency Academy in Kabul, and
in 2008 on the Presidential Transition Team at the Department of Veterans
Affairs. He is the author of the 2005 New York Times bestseller One Bullet
, recognized as one of the "Best Books of the Year" by The
Washington Post
and one of the "Best Military Books of the Decade" by
The Military Times.