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CNAS Hosts Admiral James G. Stavridis, Commander of SOUTHCOM

Feb 10, 2009
8:00am to 6:00pm ET

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) was honored to host a round table dinner discussion with Admiral James G. Stavridis, Commander of the United States Southern Command, on February 10, 2009.  Admiral Stavridis discussed SOUTHCOM's international and interagency partnering initiatives and the security challenges and opportunities ahead for the SOUTHCOM Area of Focus.

CNAS hosted Admiral Stavridis as part of the National Security Leaders Forum (NSLF) event series.  The NSLF event series is a platform for senior civilian and military leaders to address the Washington policy community and media on the most important national security issues of the day.

View Pictures from the event:

NSLF with ADM Stavridis February 10, 2009