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Innovation and the Future Force

May 17, 2017
1:00pm to 2:30pm ET

Center for a New American Security
Washington, DC

Featuring a Panel Discussion with:  

Dr. Reggie Brothers 

Principal, Chertoff Group and former
Under Secretary for Science and Technology, DHS  

Dr. Bernadette Johnson 

Chief Science Officer
Defense Innovation Unit Experimental

COL Mark Kappelmann 

Carlisle Scholars Program
U.S. Army War College

Moderated by:

Paul Scharre

Senior Fellow and Director
Future of Warfare Initiative
Center for a New American Security

About the Event

The U.S. military must maintain its competitiveness in a rapidly evolving, globalized technology landscape. How can the U.S. military keep its strategic advantage in an era of disruptive change? How can the Department of Defense (DoD) break down barriers to innovation?

Map showing event location
Center for a New American Security
1152 15th Street NW
Suite 950
Washington, DC 20005
United States