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Voices from the Field with Spirit of America

May 11, 2011
12:00pm to 1:00pm ET

Center for a New American Security
Washington, DC

Spirit of America’s founder, Jim Hake, and Matt Valkovic, just back from four months in Afghanistan, will discuss:

• Creation of CCR 27-14 and what it means to counterinsurgency, stability and humanitarian operations.
• Role and effectiveness of private-sector/citizen support for civil-military operations.
• Security and progress in Helmand Province.
• SoA’s experience connecting Americans with US troops in Afghanistan and the outlook for increasing that connection after nearly ten years of war.

Spirit of America is a privately-funded, nonprofit organization that helps US troops help the local people with humanitarian and economic development assistance. CENTCOM Commander, General James Mattis has said, “SoA’s direct support is often as important as a resupply of ammunition.”