Aaron Schumacher
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2019
Research Director, Defense Innovation Board
Aaron Schumacher is the Research Director for the Defense Innovation Board (DIB), an advisory committee charged with catalyzing innovative practices across the Department of Defense (DoD) and providing recommendations to its senior leaders on the structural, technological, and workforce challenges DoD faces. Aaron is responsible for the DIB’s research, analysis, and policy development, and works with DoD leaders and its entrepreneurs to implement the DIB’s official recommendations. Focusing primarily on artificial intelligence (AI), Aaron has played a key role in establishing DoD’s Joint AI Center, contributing to DoD's support to the National Security Commission on AI, developing the DoD AI Strategy, organizing AI training and education courses for DoD personnel, managing the DIB’s initiative around the ethical and responsible use of AI in the armed forces, and translating the technology community’s views on AI and national security for a military audience.
Prior to DoD, Aaron was the International Director at the Foreign Policy Group, which publishes Foreign Policy magazine, where he built partnerships with foreign governments, international organizations, and global companies. As the Senior Vice President of Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP), a nonprofit dedicated to fostering the next generation of foreign policy leaders, he oversaw the implementation of the organization’s strategy and portfolio of programs. He also supervised youth leadership and community development projects in Latin America while working with Amigos de las Americas. Aaron holds a Master of Arts degree from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), where he co-founded the school’s accelerator for early-stage startup companies. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree at Tufts University.