Anne Dreazen
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2015
Department of Defense
Anne Dreazen is a Foreign Affairs Specialist for the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy in the Department of Defense, where she oversees the Cooperative Threat Reduction program, a program that works with partners to eliminate biological, chemical and nuclear-related threats in the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Prior to taking this position, she served for a year as a national security fellow in the office of Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and also previously served for two years as an Iran Country Director in the Middle East Policy office in the Department of Defense. Anne entered government service as a Presidential Management Fellow (PMF) in 2007. As a PMF, Anne spent six months in Fallujah, Iraq as the elections officer for embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team – Fallujah, coordinating grants and development projects for the State Department.
Anne has been awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Civilian Service twice, and the Secretary of Defense Medal for Support to the Global War on Terrorism. She received a BA from Yale University and an M.A. from King’s College London, where she was a Fulbright scholar. She lives in Dupont Circle with her husband and beloved golden retriever, Charlie.