Anne Marie Chotvacs

Member, CNAS Board of Advisors

Vice President, Public Policy and International Government Relations, RTX

Anne Marie Chotvacs is the vice president of Public Policy and International Government Relations at RTX. She is responsible for building relationships with global policymakers and overseeing the development of the company’s public policy positions. Chotvacs leads a team that engages on a senior level with the White House, the Pentagon, and other federal agencies.

Chotvacs has nearly two decades of experience in the Congress. Prior to RTX, she was chief clerk and staff director for the House Appropriations Committee, where she worked with members of Congress to appropriate more than $1.5 trillion in annual federal funding, as well as emergency spending to address natural disasters and national security challenges. Before that, Chotvacs held multiple senior positions on the House Appropriations Committee, including lead staff on the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee and senior staff on the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee.

Chotvacs also worked in the private sector and for the executive branch. She was the senior director of International Operations and Policy at Boeing, where she led a team responsible for representing the company’s international commercial and defense business interests before Congress, executive branch agencies, and foreign governments. Early in her career, Chotvacs held several positions at the Department of Commerce.

Chotvacs was named a “Key Player” on the Hill by CQ for her work to drive complex budget negotiations and avoid a government shutdown. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and political science from Presbyterian College and a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Georgia.

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