Brian Andrews
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2011-2012
Maritime Security & Multilateral Affairs Coordinator, U.S. Department of State
Brian Andrews is a foreign affairs officer
in the Office of Multilateral Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. He
serves as the State Department coordinator for the East Asia Summit and the
ASEAN Regional Forum. Additionally, he is responsible for regional political
and security issues, such as U.S. policy on the South China Sea. Brian started
at the State Department as a Presidential Management Fellow on the China Desk
where he was responsible for issues including China’s relations with East Asia,
the Pacific, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. His previous assignments include
serving as a special assistant for Deputy Secretary Jacob Lew, as a
political/economic officer in Embassy Rangoon, and as a Country Director for
China in the Office of the Secretary of Defense-Policy.
Prior to joining the State Department, he
worked on the Obama for America campaign, served on the international staff at
NATO in Brussels, and worked as a management consultant. A native of New
Jersey, Brian graduated from Pomona College with a degree in Politics,
Philosophy, and Economics, and earned a Masters degree in Public Affairs from
the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton.