Chelsea Goldstein
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2018
Country Director for Pakistan, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Chelsea Goldstein is Country Director for Pakistan in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. In this role, she provides policy advice to senior Defense officials on U.S. policy toward Pakistan, with a focus on military engagement, terrorism, and issues related to nuclear weapons. From June 2015 through January 2017, she served as the Political Military Team Lead in the Office of Pakistan Affairs at the Department of State, advising senior State officials on similar issues. Before joining the Department of State, Chelsea worked for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, where she was part of the small team that destroyed Syria's declared chemical weapons stockpile onboard the Motor Vessel CAPE RAY. Chelsea was also detailed to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from October 2014-April 2015, where she helped to shape the Department of Defense (DoD) response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa through Operation UNITED ASSISTANCE. Chelsea was awarded the DoD David O. Cooke Award for Excellence in Public Administration for 2015 for her roles in the chemical weapons destruction and Ebola response efforts. Chelsea is a proud Blue Devil and holds a BA in Political Science from Duke University and MA in Security Studies from Georgetown University.