Christian Beckner is currently the senior director of retail technology and cybersecurity at the National Retail Federation. In this capacity, Beckner leads NRF’s CIO Council, Technology Leadership Council, IT Security Council, and cybersecurity program, including the NRF’s Information Sharing and Analysis Organization. He is responsible for developing strategies, programs and activities to maintain NRF as the technology leader and convener in the retail sector.
Prior to NRF, Beckner spent five years as deputy director of the George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, a think tank where he led projects and convened events focused on cybersecurity, counterterrorism and homeland security. He was previously an associate staff director at the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, where he was responsible for coordination of oversight and legislation on a broad range of homeland security and intelligence issues. He has worked on cybersecurity and homeland security issues for close to 20 years, including positions at IBM, the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the O’Gara Company.
Originally from the state of Washington, Beckner has a B.A. from Stanford University. He obtained his Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.
Recent Publications & News
AI Isn’t Yet Going to Take Your Job — But You May Have to Work With It
By Christian Beckner
‘Backwater’ Intelligence Office Faces Test Under Biden Nominee
By Christian Beckner
CNAS Responds: American Security, Two Decades After 9/11
By Richard Fontaine, Carrie Cordero, Lisa Curtis, Paul Scharre, Katherine L. Kuzminski, Nathalie Grogan, Alex Zerden, Jim Townsend, Ilan Goldenberg, Jacob Stokes, Jason Bartlett, Col James Frey, Christian Beckner, Josh Campbell & Christopher D. Kolenda
Reassessing Homeland Security Intelligence
By Christian Beckner
Virtual Panel Discussion: Confronting the Domestic Terrorism Threat
By Christian Beckner, Josh Campbell, Alexis Collins, Alex Joel & Carrie Cordero
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