Drew Sloan
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2010-2011
Associate, Manifest Energy
Drew Sloan is currently serving as an Associate with Manifest Energy. Prior to this, Drew served combat tours in both Afghanistan and Iraq as an Infantry officer in the 25th Infantry Division, US Army. Since leaving the Army in 2007, Drew has focused his energies on understanding the nexus between climate change, clean technology, and national security. In 2009, he testified to this effect before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as well as briefed President Obama on the matter before the President departed for the Copenhagen Climate Negotiations. Additionally, Drew has worked at both Rocky Mountain Institute and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
He received a duel Masters in Business Administration and Masters in Public Administration from Harvard Business School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in 2010. He is a 2002 graduate from the United States Military Academy at West Point. His time in service was chronicled in the 2008 non-fiction work, In a Time of War, by Bill Murphy Jr.