Emily Elledge
2022 Next Gen National Security Fellow
United States Marine Corps
Captain Emily Elledgeis an active duty MV-22 pilot in the United States Marine Corps currently serving as a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) Instructor at Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Atlantic. There she trains and qualifies JTACs and Forward Air Controllers for the Joint Forces.
Emily previously served as the Air Officer in First Battalion, Sixth Marines, a Marine Corps infantry battalion in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. There she advised the Battalion Commander in aviation matters and approved aviation fires during several large-scale exercises. She also served as an MV-22 pilot in Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 266, where she earned various flight qualifications and served as the Current Operations Officer. She has deployed three times in support of AFRICOM and PACOM operations.
Emily commissioned out of the United States Naval Academy where she graduated with honors. She earned a master’s degree with distinction from King’s College London Department of War Studies, where her research focused on Just WarTheory and conflict termination. She resides in Norfolk, Virginia.