James Osyf
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2016
Lockheed Martin Corporation
James Osyf is a member of the Lockheed Martin strategy team developing advanced, end-to-end, space-enabled solutions. He is also a Submarine Warfare Officer in the Navy Reserve, supporting Undersea Rescue Command operations.
Prior to nuclear officer training, James was detailed to both the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of State as a member of the interagency team assigned to Afghanistan. He joined the crew of the fast-attack submarine USS NORFOLK in 2009 and executed two CENTCOM deployments. James’ shipboard responsibilities included a variety of billets such as Quality Assurance Officer and Assistant Engineer. In 2013, James transferred to the Pentagon as the Maritime Information Warfare Interoperability Officer responsible for fostering enhanced coalition relationships and later became the lead advisor on cyber warfare policy to the Chief of Naval Operations’ Director of Warfare Integration for Information Dominance. He began work with Lockheed Martin and affiliated with the Navy Reserve in 2015.
James graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. in Political Science and holds an M.A. in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He is also a law student at Georgetown University focusing on national security issues. James hails from Vernon, Connecticut.