Jasmeet K. Ahuja
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2009-2010
Professional Staff Member for South Asian Policy
Jasmeet K. Ahuja is a Professional Staff Member for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, with responsibility over South Asia policy. She was integral in the drafting of the Pakistan Enduring Assistance Cooperation Enhancement Act of 2009, which passed the House of Representatives in June, and the United States-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval and Nonproliferation Enhancement Act of 2008, which was signed by the President last November.
Prior to joining the House, Ms. Ahuja served in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. While at State, she managed all arms sales and defense trade for South Asia, including the sale of F-16s to Pakistan and C-130Js to India.
Ms. Ahuja began her career in the federal government as a Presidential Management Fellow in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense, where she worked in Programs, Analysis & Evaluation, as well as for the Under Secretary of Policy. While in Policy, her assignments included serving as a member of the Integration Team for the Quadrennial Defense Review and of the Policy Planning Staff, among others.
Ms. Ahuja is active in the Asian American community. From 2005-2007, Ms. Ahuja served as Chair of the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership, a educational non-profit organization dedicated to increasing public policy knowledge in the Asian Pacific American community. As Chair, Ms. Ahuja expanded the organization, formally instituting a Mentorship Program and a Young Professional Program, in addition to the Washington Leadership Program and a Scholarships Program.
Previously, Ms. Ahuja worked at TechNet, a trade association in Palo Alto, California, as a Public Policy Associate. Ms. Ahuja graduated with Honors and Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University where she received her Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in Engineering.