Jayson Browder
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2017
Founder and Executive Director, Veterans in Global Leadership
Jayson Browder is the Founder of Veterans in Global Leadership and currently a Presidential Management Fellow at The White House, Office of Management and Budget. Jayson is a U.S. Air Force and Iraq War veteran, a former U.S. Fulbright Scholar to Turkey, Defense Council Member at Truman National Security Project and a Carnegie New Leader at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Relations. Previously, he served as a Military Advisor to U.S. Congressman Beto O'Rourke and as an Adjunct Junior Fellow at the American Security Project. His analysis on national security and foreign policy issues have been published in numerous media and think tank organizations such as Asia Times, NPR, Carnegie Council, Foreign Policy Journal and Partnership for a Secure America. Jayson holds a Global Executive MPA from New York University and the University College London and was awarded 40 Under 40 Latinos in Foreign Policy by Huffington Post in 2016.