Joshua Mueller, USN
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2012-2013
Special Assistant and Speechwriter to Vice Admiral Michael Miller, USN, Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy
Lieutenant Joshua Mueller’s primary interest is the intersection of energy, environmental, and national security policies. He is currently serving as Special Assistant and speechwriter to VADM Michael Miller, USN, Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy, where he previously taught as a Senior Instructor in the Political Science and History departments. Prior to his current tour in Annapolis, he served aboard the USS PASADENA (SSN-752) in the Western Pacific, and qualified as a Naval Nuclear Engineering Officer. During his several years stationed at Pearl Harbor, he was the Assistant Engineer, Ship’s Diving Officer, Chemistry and Radiological Controls Assistant, and Main Propulsion Assistant. He is a qualified submariner and Navy scuba diver.
Lieutenant Mueller graduated from the Naval Academy in 2004 as class valedictorian with a B.S. in Physics and a French minor. He is a Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellow and attended the University of Oxford on the Ambassador William H.G. FitzGerald Scholarship. At Oxford he earned a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics and was the graduate student body president for Brasenose College. He currently lives in Annapolis, MD.