Kathryn McNabb Cochran
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2016
Good Judgment, Inc.
Kathryn McNabb Cochran is the Director of Foreign Policy Research at Good Judgment Inc, the corporate spin off of the Good Judgment Project, an IARPA funded initiative, which uses forecasting tournaments to predict international events. In that role, Dr. Cochran is spearheading the effort to incorporate Good Judgment’s analytic methods into US and allied government agencies as well as non-profit and inter-governmental organizations, like UNHCR. She leads GJI’s question team, which is responsible for analyzing strategic level risks to identify key short and medium term geo-political questions for clients. She developed GJ’s training materials for question generation and has given numerous workshops on how to develop rigorous short-term questions that can inform immediate operational decisions and longer term planning.
Dr. Cochran has a Ph.D. from Duke University and her research on the reputational consequences of war won the 2012 Waltz Award for the Best Dissertation in the Field of International Security. She is currently working on a CSIS sponsored project on state fragility and is an adjunct professor at American University’s School of International Service. Prior to graduate school, she worked as a legislative assistant for Congressman Buyer (IN-04), where she handled committee work on energy policy.
Recent Publications & News
Getting it Righter, Faster
By Dr. Kathryn McNabb Cochran & CDR Gregory Tozzi
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