Katie Sudhoff
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2019
Communications Officer, United States Marine Corps
Katie Sudhoff has served on active duty in the United States Marine Corps since 2009. A Communications Officer by trade, she has led Marines in an array of jobs and units, most recently in 2nd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 2nd Marine Division. As the Battalion Communications Officer, Katie completed a winter Mountain Exercise at the Marine Corps’ Mountain Warfare Training Center, then conducted amphibious operations with her battalion, in support of NATO Exercise Cold Response, in the Kingdom of Norway. After returning from Norway, she commanded her battalion’s Headquarters and Service Company. Katie also worked with NATO allies and international partners when she deployed to Afghanistan in 2014, where she advised a general on his engagements with Afghan army and police leadership.
As a 2017 Department of Defense Congressional Fellow, Katie staffed the defense and foreign affairs portfolio for a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. She is now the Legislative Advisor and Speechwriter to the Marine Corps’ Deputy Commandant for Information. Katie graduated from the United States Naval Academy and earned a master’s degree in Regional Studies - East Asia from Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. She’s a member of the Truman National Security Project’s Defense Council and writes about the experiences of women servicemembers and veterans.