Kory Hasenoehrl
2023 Next Gen National Security Fellow
Major, U.S. Marine Corps
Kory Hasenoehrl is currently serving in the United States Marine Corps at the rank of Major. He is assigned to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict and is the Chief for Middle East Counterterrorism Policy.
Kory is originally from Flagstaff, Arizona and earned an undergraduate degree in Global Security and Intelligence Studies from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. He joined the Marine Corps Reserve in 2006 and, upon graduating from ERAU in 2011, commissioned as a Second Lieutenant.
Kory is attending Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy where he is studying for a Masters of Policy Management.
Kory is married and celebrated his first anniversary in October of 2022. Kory and his wife live in Washington, D.C., with their new puppy Watson and a cat named Kitty.