Lisa Whisler
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2009-2010
Director, Congressional Relations, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lisa Whisler is Director, Congressional Relations, Government and Regulatory Affairs at Lockheed Martin Corporation. In this capacity, Whisler is responsible for the development and implementation of legislative strategies before the U.S. Congress to address international trade and regulatory issues, tax, pension and liability issues, information technology and communications policy, export controls, space transportation, energy and environmental policy and other matters of importance to the corporation.
Before joining Lockheed Martin, Whisler served as the Senior Policy Advisor to Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Senator Max Baucus from 2004-2007. In this position she handled Defense, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security and Transportation issues. In May 2007 she was awarded the National Guard Distinguished Service medal as a civilian for her work bringing new missions and infrastructure to the Montana National Guard.
From 2002-2004, she worked for Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force in the US Air Force Office of Legislative Liaison in both the Pentagon and the U.S. Senate. In this role she represented the Air Force with the Senate and House Armed Services Committees and military legislative assistants, and tracked annual defense budgets.
Prior to her time in the Pentagon, Whisler served as the Director of the U.S. Department of State Irish Peace Process Cultural Training Program in Belfast. The program created by Congressman Jim Walsh granted work visas and skills to young people affected by the political situation in Northern Ireland.
Whisler is a Smithsonian Young Benefactor, American Ireland Fund, Young Leader, and member of the Naval War College Foundation
Whisler received her B.A. degree in English from Villanova University and an M.A. degree in Literature from the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland.