Luis Perez
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2012-2013
Instruction Officer in Charge, Officer Candidate School, U.S. Marine Corps
Captain Luis R. Perez is currently assigned to officer candidate school in Quantico, Virginia. As the officer in charge of the academics’ instruction section, he ensures that the candidates receive effective and professional classroom instruction. This supports the overall mission of evaluating and screening young Americans who desire to become commissioned officers in the United States Marine Corps.
Captain Perez deployed to Rawah, Iraq in 2008 as a rifle platoon commander with the 2d Battalion, 2d Marine Regiment. He also deployed to Helmand Province, Afghanistan from 2009-2010 as the battalion’s 81mm mortar platoon commander. In addition, he deployed to the United Arab Emirates from 2011-2012 as an individual augment in support of the I Marine Expeditionary Force (forward), where he served as a military advisor to the Emiratis’ Presidential Guard unit.
Captain Perez holds a B.S. in aerospace engineering with information technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is currently pursuing an M.A. in political science from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Captain Perez is from Tampa, Florida and resides aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico with his wife, Bridget.