Michael Gallagher
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2010-2011
Fellow, Marine Corps
Mike Gallagher is currently a fellow in the Marine Corps’ Junior Officer Strategic Intelligence Program and a student in the joint M.A. in Security Studies/Ph.D. in International Relations program at Georgetown University. Prior to this assignment, he served on General Petraeus’ CENTCOM Assessment Team and deployed twice to Al Anbar Province between 2007 and 2008 as a commander of intelligence teams.
Mike holds a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence from National Defense Intelligence College. He received his undergraduate degree from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, earning a certificate in Near Eastern Studies. At Georgetown, he intends to explore the role of intelligence in grand strategy design and presidential decision-making. Mike speaks Arabic and grew up in both Green Bay, WI and Costa Mesa, CA.