Riley Moore
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2016
Vice President, Podesta Group
A vice president at the Podesta Group, Riley Moore provides strategic counsel to international and corporate defense clients as part of the firm’s international and defense sectors.
He previously served on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs as a professional staff member for the better part of a decade, advising on political-military affairs. Riley worked for four different chairman during his time on the Committee. He is also the former secretary of the U.S. congressional delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
Riley holds a Master of Arts in Strategic Security Studies from the National Defense University and a Bachelor of Arts in Government and International Politics from George Mason University. His work on counterinsurgency has been published by the National Defense University journal entitled Prism, as well as in Small Wars and Insurgencies. Riley’s study of counterinsurgency force ratio led to his participation in a U.S. Army project on megacities.
Riley lives in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia with his wife Mina.