Ryan Evans
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2014
Center for the National Interest
Ryan Evans is the Assistant Director of the Center for the National Interest and the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the web magazine, War on the Rocks.
Mr. Evans deployed to Helmand Province, Afghanistan from 2010 – 2011 as a Social Scientist on a U.S. Army Human Terrain Team embedded with the British-led Task Force Helmand and has since written extensively on Afghanistan and counterinsurgency. He has worked as a research fellow at the Washington-based Center for National Policy and for the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence in London. He is a Fellow of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society. Mr. Evans is an adjunct lecturer at Johns Hopkins University, where he teaches a course on Islamist politics.
Mr. Evans has an M.A. from the War Studies Department at King's College London, where he is also working on his doctorate.
Recent Publications & News
Ukraine's Offensive and its Meaning for the War
By Michael Kofman & Ryan Evans
Russia’s Plan to Stay in the War
By Michael Kofman & Ryan Evans
Into the Breach: Ukraine’s Counter-Offensive Begins
By Michael Kofman & Ryan Evans
WOTR Podcast: Fresh Voices on Grand Strategy
By Emma Ashford, Kate Kizer, Rebecca Friedman Lissner, Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson & Ryan Evans
WOTR Podcast: Civil-Military Relations Gone Wild?
By Loren DeJonge Schulman, Steven Foster, Alice Hunt Friend & Ryan Evans
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