Tamara Klajn
Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2011-2012
Professional Staff Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Tamara Klajn is a professional staff member with
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, focusing on sub-Saharan Africa,
counterterrorism, and the Peace Corps. Prior to her time on the Committee, Ms.
Klajn served in the Department of Defense in a number of capacities, including:
as a member of General Stanley McChrystal’s Strategic Advisory Group in Kabul, Afghanistan;
in the Joint Staff’s Pakistan-Afghanistan Coordination Cell; in the Office of
the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Plans, as special assistant to the Deputy
Comptroller; and as a detailee to the State Department’s Office of the Special
Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. She joined the Department of
Defense as an Office of the Secretary of Defense Presidential Management
Prior to her time in government, Ms. Klajn worked
for the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra, Ghana,
and for the Academy for Peace and Development in Hargeisa, Somalia
Ms. Klajn graduated from the Harvard Kennedy
School with a Masters in Public Policy and from Harvard College with a
Bachelors in History and Science, where she completed
fellowships and conducted research in Djibouti, South Africa, and Japan.
Originally from Belgrade, Ms. Klajn grew up in New Jersey and now resides in
Washington, D.C.