September 05, 2017

Experts hope upcoming defence bill could alert Trump to climate change's threat to national security

Source: The Independent

Journalist: Mythili Sampathkumar

As Congress returns from recess, a major piece of defence legislation is up for consideration that could prove to be invaluable for those looking to the US to fight climate change.

The annual National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA), which specifies defence spending as well as foreign policy goals, will be debated in the Senate and the fact it normally gets bipartisan support means it becomes  a lightning rod for different policies. This year, one of the amendments - if it is voted through -  calls on the Pentagon to produce a report on the security risks posed by climate change.

Read the full article in The Independent.


  • ​Neil Bhatiya

    Former Adjunct Fellow, Energy, Economics, and Security Program

    Neil Bhatiya is a former Adjunct Fellow with the Energy, Economics, and Security Program at the Center for a New American Security....