April 18, 2023

House China Committee Goes to War (Game)


Journalists: Alexander Ward, Matt Berg, Lawrence Ukenye, Ari Hawkins

It’s 2027. Taiwan’s leadership is considering declaring itself an independent country. Chinese paramount leader XI JINPING, angered by the major shift, chooses to launch an invasion of the democratic, self-governing island to force unification. How will the United States respond?

That’s what Republican and Democratic members of the House China Committee will decide tomorrow night during a tabletop exercise organized by the Center for a New American Security think tank. Starting at 7 p.m., the lawmakers will act as National Security Council advisers, deciding the best military, diplomatic and economic courses to take against China. CNAS’ BECCA WASSER and ANDREW METRICK will act as Beijing, aiming to thwart the panel members’ designs from inside the House Ways and Means Committee room. A move by either side will represent three days of the conflict.


Wasser said the TTX will focus on high-level issues, ultimately providing lawmakers with ideas about what issues need more consideration, hearings or anything else. It won’t delve deeply into tactical scenarios that would require a far longer game. “It’s experiential learning,” she told us. “It’s an important opportunity to help senior leaders to think through what can happen.”

Read the full story and more from POLITICO.


  • Becca Wasser

    Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Defense Program

    Becca Wasser is a Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of the Defense Program and lead of The Gaming Lab at the Center for a New American Security. Her research areas include def...

  • Andrew Metrick

    Former Fellow, Defense Program

    Andrew Metrick is a former Fellow for the Defense Program at CNAS. His research focuses on the linkages between strategic objectives and operational plans with a specific inte...