July 16, 2024

Lost Decade — How the U.S. Fell Behind in Checking China

Source: Financial Times

Journalist: James Crabtree

Precious little unites the clashing sides of American politics. But as they square off in the upcoming U.S. election, likely candidates Joe Biden and ex-president Donald Trump more or less agree on the urgent need to push back against Beijing's rising global sway. Both men promise to pay more attention to Asia, even if it comes at the expense of Europe and the Middle East.

Such rare bipartisan agreement does not mean rapid progress, however, as Robert Blackwill and Richard Fontaine argue in Lost Decade, a new book detailing recent failed attempts to reorient U.S. foreign policy. Back in 2011 then president Barack Obama launched a “pivot” to Asia. Trump and Biden continued in a similar vein—but to little effect.

Read more from the Financial Times.


  • Richard Fontaine

    Chief Executive Officer

    Richard Fontaine is the chief executive officer of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). He served as president of CNAS from 2012–19 and as senior fellow from 2009–12...