July 20, 2023

Military briefing: the mines stalling Ukraine’s advance

Source: Financial Times

Journalist: Christopher Miller

“The mines are channelling the Ukrainian efforts, and they are severely limiting the Ukrainians’ manoeuvre space, which is usually not a great thing when . . . you are attacking,” said Franz-Stefan Gady, a research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Russians were employing “basic Soviet doctrine”, he added, drawing parallels with the Red Army laying more than a million mines in 1943 to halt Nazi Germany in the Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle in history.

Read the full article and more from Financial Times.


  • Franz-Stefan Gady

    Adjunct Senior Fellow, Defense Program

    Franz-Stefan Gady has advised militaries in Europe and the United States on structural reform and the future of high-intensity warfare. He is a former Senior Fellow with the I...