July 16, 2014

President Obama Announces New Sanctions on Russia

Source: National Journal

Journalists: Ben Geman, Brian Resnick

President Obama has increased sanctions intended to hurt selected segments of the Russian economy, he announced Wednesday night. The new sanctions will prevent some Russian companies—including oil and gas producers—from obtaining long-term loans from American debt markets.

"I've repeatedly made it clear that Russia must halt the flow of weapons and fighters across the border into Ukraine," the president said Wednesday in a press statement addressing his ever-increasing list of international concerns. "So far, Russia has failed to take any of the steps that I mentioned."

The Treasury Department's full list of sanctions on "entities within the financial services and energy sectors of Russia, against arms or related materiel entities, and those undermining Ukraine's sovereignty" is here.According to the department, the U.S. targets include two Russian financial institutions, two energy firms, and eight defense technology entities. In addition, the U.S. is now sanctioning four new Russian government officials, including a senior Russian Federal Security Service official.

Read the full article at National Journal.


  • Elizabeth Rosenberg

    Former Senior Fellow and Director, Energy, Economics and Security Program

    Elizabeth Rosenberg is a former Senior Fellow and Director of the Energy, Economics, and Security Program at the Center for a New American Security. In this capacity, she publ...