September 08, 2022

Russia Might be Buying North Korean Arms. But Are They Reliable?

Source: Voice of America

Journalist: William Gallo

Some North Korean artillery appears to be unreliable and ineffective, though. As an example, many defense experts cite North Korea’s 2010 shelling of South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island during a flareup in tensions.

However, even flawed weapons can prove effective if you have enough of them, said Michael Kofman, director of the Russia Studies Program at CNA. “With ammo, quantity has a quality of its own,” he told VOA. “Lower quality doesn’t mean 100% doesn’t work.

Read the full article and more from Voice of America.


  • Michael Kofman

    Former Adjunct Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Security Program

    Michael Kofman serves as a Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Naval Analyses' Russia Studies Program, and a Fellow at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Internation...