September 25, 2023

Ukraine-Poland Friendship Shows Signs of Fraying Over Grain Dispute, Arms Supply

Source: Bloomberg

Journalists: Natalia Ojewska, Piotr Skolimowski

“I am not sure that it will have a significant impact” on the war effort, said Peter Schroeder, a former Russia analyst at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and now an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security. Poland’s “most important role has been as a transshipment point to get weapons from across NATO and other countries into Ukraine,” he said. “The PM noted that would continue.”


“Tension and disagreements between Kyiv and some of its strongest backers is sure to instill more confidence in the Kremlin that European support for Ukraine is not certain over the long term,” said Schroeder, the former CIA analyst.

Read the full story and more from Bloomberg.


  • Peter Schroeder

    Adjunct Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Security Program

    Peter Schroeder is an expert on Russian foreign and security policy, with nearly two decades of experience working on Russia and Eurasia in various roles in the Intelligence C...