March 01, 2020

Uncertain future for thousands of Idlib jihadists

Source: The Arab Weekly

Journalist: Simon Cordall

The humanitarian crisis that began with the Syrian government’s and Russia’s military escalation in north-western Syria continues. The United Nations said the situation has reached “a horrifying new level” with more than 900,000 civilians displaced and refugees burning plastic to keep warm in makeshift encampments.

Idlib, the last rebel stronghold in Syria, has seen its population double during the country’s civil war. UN estimates put the number of civilians in the governorate at around 3 million, many displaced numerous times from other parts of Syria.

Along with the civilians, there are various rebel factions who have either retreated from battlegrounds elsewhere or who established fiefdoms in the disputed governorate they rule with hard-line religious administrations.

Read the full story and more in The Arab Weekly.


  • Kaleigh Thomas

    Former Associate Fellow, Middle East Security Program

    Kaleigh Thomas is a former Associate Fellow for the Middle East Security Program and 2020 recipient of the 1LT Andrew J. Bacevich Jr., USA Award at CNAS. She also serves as th...