October 17, 2022

What Are Kamikaze Drones? Here’s How Russia and Ukraine Are Using Them

Source: The Washington Post

Journalists: Adam Taylor, Isabelle Khurshudyan, Annabelle Timsit, William Neff

Unlike many other attack drones, they do not use weapons to destroy their targets. They are the weapon. The kamikaze drones used by Russia are believed to be imported from Iran. They “are both military weapons and psychological weapons,” said Samuel Bendett, a Russian-military analyst at the Virginia-based research group CNA. “Attacks on major cities that are supposed to be well defended against aerial threats demonstrate that Russia still has the capacity to inflict damage, whether military or civilian targets are struck.”

But drone attacks have already become a regular feature of the war in Ukraine, with both sides utilizing the deadly aircraft in different ways.

Read the full story and more from The Washington Post.


  • Samuel Bendett

    Adjunct Senior Fellow, Technology and National Security Program

    Samuel Bendett is an Adviser with CNA Strategy, Policy, Plans and Programs Center (SP3), where he is a member of the Russia Studies Program. His work involves research on the ...