Showing 4901-4920 of 8168 Items
How Intelligent Drones Are Shaping the Future of Warfare
The drones fell out of the sky over China Lake, California, like a colony of bats fleeing a cave in the night. Over 100 of them dropped from the bellies of three Boeing F/A-18...
By Paul Scharre
Trump Lets Key Offices Gather Dust Amid ‘Slowest Transition in Decades’
At the State Department, the normally pulsating hub of executive offices is hushed and virtually empty. At the Pentagon, military missions in some of the world’s most troubled...
By Michèle Flournoy
US puts off announcing decision on Raqqa until after Turkey referendum
The Trump administration’s internal debate over how to capture Raqqa, the so-called capital of the Islamic State (IS), is continuing nearly two weeks after the Pentagon presen...
By Nicholas Heras
Cooperation with Russia in Syria Off the Table for Trump Team
President Donald Trump's national security team is not considering any increase in cooperation with Russia against the Islamic State group in Syria, according to multiple curr...
By Julianne Smith
The Military Strategy Behind Bolstering U.S.-Backed Syrian Forces To Fight ISIS
In Syria, twin bombings on Saturday killed dozens of people in the capital Damascus. Militants say they were targeting allies of President Bashar al-Assad. The bloodshed came ...
By Michèle Flournoy
The U.S. Troop Presence in Syria Is at Its Highest Ever. But How Long Are They on the Ground for and Why?
The Trump Administration is intensifying America’s involvement in the ground war in Syria, having announced on March 9 that it is sending 400 more troops to join the fight aga...
By Nicholas Heras
Allies Fear Trump Is Eroding America’s Moral Authority
When the State Department released its annual human rights report last week, it contained many of the usual tough American judgments of other countries. Iran was criticized fo...
By Michèle Flournoy
Keeping America Safe: Is Trump's Military Budget Enough?
On the campaign trail and now as commander in chief, President Donald Trump has pledged to boost America's depleted armed forces. During his recent address to Congress, he ann...
By Alexandra Sander
Ambassador role places Branstad on the 'front line of American power and influence'
Serving as ambassador to China will be the challenge of Terry Branstad’s life, foreign policy experts and a former envoy said — at times frustrating and demoralizing, always d...
By Harry Krejsa
Manbij and the Unforgiving Complexity of the Syrian War
Top U.S. defense officials believe all of the warring parties in Manbij got the message after American forces deployed an armored convoy through the Syrian city earlier this w...
By Julianne Smith
Still Fighting, and Dying, in the Forever War
In November 2016, Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Scott Dayton became the first member of the United States military to die in the continuing conflict in Syria. Chief Dayton w...
WikiLeaks pledges to release software code of CIA hacking tools to tech firms
WikiLeaks will release to tech firms the software code of CIA hacking tools that were designed to compromise smartphones and other products, the group’s founder said Thursday,...
By Adam Klein
Trump’s claim of FISA use against him puts focus on spying scope
President Trump’s claim that the Obama administration used a law meant for snooping on foreign agents against him during the presidential campaign has raised new questions abo...
By Adam Klein
U.S. deployment of missile system in South Korea riles China
China voiced its objections to the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system to South Korea this week, saying it would “take necessary measures” to defend its national secur...
By Patrick M. Cronin
WikiLeaks Dumps CIA Hacking Docs Online
WikiLeaks on Tuesday dumped thousands of classified documents onto the Internet, exposing hacking programs used by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The torrent of data is...
By Adam Klein
Trump Weighs Paying for His Wall by Gutting National Security
Beyond his fantastical claim that Mexico would pay for his promised border wall, Donald Trump has never provided a satisfying explanation for how he would fund its constructio...
By Katherine Kidder
IS Leaders Reportedly Fleeing Syrian De Facto Capital
Islamic State reportedly has moved some of its high-ranking commanders and their families from its de facto capital of Raqqa to the nearby Syrian province of Deir Ezzor, activ...
By Nicholas Heras
European Diplomats to Congress: For Our Sake, Don’t Cut Foreign Aid Funding
President Donald Trump proposed slashing State Department and foreign aid budgets by nearly 40 percent. Now European diplomats are warning those cuts would be dangerous and ex...
By Rachel Rizzo
Rumblings of a ‘Deep State’ Undermining Trump? It Was Once a Foreign Concept
President Trump’s allegations that former President Barack Obama tapped his phone and his assertions that the bureaucracy is leaking secrets to discredit him are the latest si...
By Loren DeJonge Schulman
McMaster Faces Limits in Overhauling Flynn’s NSC
President Donald Trump’s newly installed national security advisor was promised full authority to reorganize the National Security Council to his liking after his predecessor ...
By Loren DeJonge Schulman