Showing 7561-7580 of 8032 Items
The Strategic Relationship Between The U.S. And India: Coming Along Nicely
CNAS Senior Fellow Richard Fontaine wrote in Foreign Policy on the U.S. and India relationship for their blog, The Best Defense....
America's Endangered Arsenal Of Democracy
CNAS Chief Executive Officer Nathaniel Fick wrote an article in Joint Force Quarterly on America's defense sector and the esoteric role it plays in national security....
Staying In Iraq? DoD's Got A Plan For That
In AOL Defense, CNAS Fellow Brian Burton said, "The department's play in Iraq is to give enough time to the government of Nouri Al-Maliki to formally request an extension of A...
U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Drifts Dangerously
In a piece by The Washington Post, CNAS Senior Fellow Richard Fontaine said, “You can see a possible outcome where the U.S. has expended most of the diplomatic capital, but co...
As U.S. Wars Wind Down, Drones Gain New Prominence
In a piece by Reuters, CNAS President John Nagl said, "We currently have a monopoly, or effective monopoly, on armed drones," speaking of the ramped up use of drones after the...
Command Post Episode Five: "The Challenge of Pakistan"
The fifth episode of Command Post looks at how the killing of Osama bin Laden affects Pakistan and the rise of extremism within its military....
House Offers Budget Boost To Troubled Pentagon Agency Fighting Roadside Bombs
In this piece by iWatch News on funding the fight against roadside bombs, CNAS Fellow Travis Sharp said, “The politics of cutting JIEDDO are not very good in the Senate and in...
Command Post Episode Four: "What's Pakistan's Role in Afghanistan Going To Be?"
In episode four of Command Post, CNAS experts discuss how Pakistan will react to the drawdown of troops from Afghanistan....
Think Tanks, the Media, and the Future of Ideas Distribution
All CNAS and TIME are doing is proving that both organizations apparently understand how the model works better than everyone else, and in the end both brands will be enhanced...
Command Post Episode Three: "Counter-Insurgency versus Counter-Terrorism?"
In episode three of Command Post, CNAS experts discuss counter terrorism versus counter insurgency and the soldier on the ground....
Relief And Worry After Slaying Of Hamid Karzai's Half Brother
CNAS President John Nagl said, "He was able to exert influence in the heartland of the Taliban insurgency," about Ahmad Wali Karzai in this piece by The Los Angeles Times....
Command Post Episode Two: "Is Counter-Insurgency Dead?"
Dr. Nora Bensahel and Dave Barno speak in the second installment of Command Post about the state of counterinsurgency. ...
Assassination In Afghanistan Creates A Void
In The New York Times, CNAS Senior Fellow David Barno said that the killing of Mr. Karzai, “threatens to undermine the complex power structures that the U.S. and NATO forces h...
US In Scramble For Technological 'Gold Dust'
BBC News interviewed CNAS Fellow Christine Parthemore in a television report on rare earth elements....
CNAS Partners with TIME to Launch Command Post
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) is pleased to announce the launch of Command Post, a new video series from CNAS and TIME. The video series will take week-long lo...
New Ambassador Takes On Egypt
In this piece by The Daily Beast, Anne Patterson, Ambassador to Egypt said, “Our intelligence programs in Pakistan have been a runaway success,” at CNAS' Fifth Annual Conferen...
Results: Top 10 Defence Blogs 2011
CNAS Senior Fellows Andrew Exum and Thomas Ricks made Defence IQ's Top Ten Defence Blogs for 2011, Abu Muqawama and The Best Defense....
Energy Concerns Could Make Panetta First Green DOD Chief
Research Associate Will Rogers discusses Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's ability to sustain DOD's charge to incorporate climate change into crucial defense planning....
In Afghanistan, A Week Of Crises Raises Troubling Questions
In this piece by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, CNAS Senior Fellow Nora Bensahel said, "Attacks like this are not just done because of their military utility but because the...
Was Obama Low-Balling The Cost Of War?
In this post by Foreign Policy, CNAS Senior Fellow Nora Bensahel said, "I don't think that's an appropriate cost to include because every expenditure of money includes some tr...
By Nora Bensahel