February 05, 2016

CNAS Announces 2016 Next Generation National Security Fellows


The Center for a New American Security (CNAS)  announced today the selection of the 2016 Next Generation National Security Leaders. Now in its seventh year, the Next Generation National Security Leaders Fellowship is a key part of the Center’s commitment to ensuring the United States has talented individuals dedicated to preserving and maintaining its national security. After a highly competitive application process, CNAS selected a bipartisan group of 20 emerging analysts and practitioners from a host of backgrounds, including the military, Department of State, Department of Defense, media, Executive Office of the President, Capitol Hill, academia, private sector, and NGO community.

“CNAS has a strong history of selecting some of the most talented young leaders, and 2016 is no exception. This year’s Fellows bring incredible diversity and depth of experience, as well as a demonstrated commitment to public service. CNAS is proud of its record of preparing the next generation of national security leaders,” said CNAS Chief Executive Officer Michèle Flournoy, who will co-lead the program along with Robert Rangel, Lockheed Martin’s Vice President for Programs and Policy. 

Through this leadership development program and its monthly dinner series and small private discussions, CNAS Next Generation Fellows will engage with those who have led before them, developing a deeper understanding of U.S. national security interests and policies as well as leadership principles and best practices. Last year the group met with Secretary Madeleine Albright, General Stanley McChrystal, Admiral Mike Mullen, Joshua Bolten, David Cohen, among others. Additionally, Fellows will collaborate with CNAS experts and their colleagues on a variety of projects and participate in CNAS events. The program will culminate with a week-long international study tour in the fall. Upon completion of the fellowship, they will remain connected to the Center through the CNAS alumni program.

“I look forward to working with these outstanding young women and men over the next year,” said Rangel. “This year’s class of Next Generation Fellows have already excelled in their own fields and proven their talent and leadership abilities. They clearly care deeply about the future of the United States and I welcome the opportunity to help them on their path to becoming future leaders.”

The complete list of 2016 Next Generation National Security Leaders is posted below. Their full biographies are also available on our website at http://www.cnas.org/next-generation-2016/participants.

2016 Next Generation National Security Leaders

Dr. Kathryn Cochran, Director of Foreign Policy Research, Good Judgment, Inc.

Major Dave Cochran, U.S. Air Force

Major Kevin Cronin, U.S. Army

Chris DeRusha, Senior Cybersecurity Analyst, Executive Office of the President

Bess Dopkeen, Senior Analyst and Program Manager, Cost Assessment & Program Evaluation, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Edward Fishman, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State

 Rebecca Friedman Lissner, PhD Candidate, Georgetown University, and International Security Studies Fellow, Yale University

Kristen Hajduk, Advisor for Special Operations and Irregular Warfare, Department of Defense

Nayyera Haq, Principal, 32 Advisors

Jennifer Hendrixson White, Professional Staff Member, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Erik Iverson, Deputy Director for Emergency Management, City of Philadelphia

Alexandra Kahan, Special Assistant, Department of State

Daniel Lamothe, National Security Writer, The Washington Post

Lieutenant Commander Michael Mabrey, U.S. Navy

Aaron MacLean, Managing Editor, Washington Free Beacon

Riley Moore, Vice President, Podesta Group

James Osyf, Strategic Planner, Lockheed Martin Corporation

Jonathan Panikoff, Deputy National Intelligence Officer, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Jonathan Rue, Legislative Analyst, U.S. Marine Corps, Department of Defense 

Morwari Zafar, Consultant, MASY Group, and PhD Candidate, Oxford University