January 15, 2020

CNAS Launches “America Competes 2020”

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) today launched “America Competes 2020,” a Center-wide initiative to renew American competitiveness at home and abroad. Amid increasingly fractured and partisan policy debates, CNAS will produce specific, actionable policy recommendations for how the United States can compete more effectively across a range of vital national security arenas.

Key pillars of America Competes 2020 will include:

  • Sustaining U.S. military deterrence
  • Securing vital U.S. technological advantages
  • Bolstering U.S. economic power and leadership
  • Revitalizing U.S. alliances and diplomacy
  • Advancing U.S. values and countering high-tech illiberalism
  • Strengthening U.S. national security institutions

Richard Fontaine, CEO of the Center for a New American Security, said: “America Competes 2020 embodies CNAS’ unique strengths: our ability to work across party lines, innovate with highly collaborative research, lift up new voices, and offer concrete recommendations that policymakers can readily employ. America needs all of these things – now more than ever.”

Throughout the coming year, America Competes 2020 will feature cutting-edge CNAS research, publications, events, and multimedia aimed to help renew America’s strategic advantages. In the next few weeks alone, CNAS will:

  • Publish “Rising to the China Challenge,” a Congressionally-mandated study on renewing American competitiveness in the Indo-Pacific;
  • Convene the Digital Freedom Forum, a high-level task force focused on developing policy and technological solutions to secure a freer and more open future;
  • Release “Winning the Next War,” a graphic animation video describing the need for a new American way of war;
  • Launch a new Center-wide initiative on strengthening U.S. national security institutions; and
  • Announce a call for applications for a dynamic new annual conference that will feature the most creative next-generation voices in U.S. national security.

Ely Ratner, CNAS Executive Vice President, noted: “The future of America’s role in the world still rests in part in the hands of policymakers in Washington. With sufficient urgency, attention, and resources, the United States can once again protect and advance vital U.S. interests and values in the world. America Competes 2020 is launching in the service of that important mission.”

For more information or to schedule an interview with CNAS experts, please contact Cole Stevens at [email protected] or call 202-695-8166.

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