April 23, 2008
Breaking: Petraeus to Centcom
General David Petraeus has been tapped to replace Admiral Fox Fallon at Centcom. But CNN buries the lead: the real story is that LTG Odierno is headed back to Iraq to replace Petraeus.
Assorted non-sequitors (in rough order of mental occurrance):
1) This is a bad idea. Who would want to be the new Iraq commander while working for the old Iraq commander?
2) Eh, ok, maybe Odierno. Better hope those Odierno conversion stories are true.
2a) Either way, we're about to find out.
3) What happened to Chiarelli? Charlie was sure he was going to get the MNF-I nod. Does he move to vice chief (Odierno's current, and short-lived, post)? Ugh, what a waste that'd be. Let's hope he stayes as Gates' MA for a while longer.
4) Just how much attention will King David pay to Afghanistan? (Can you put a decimal point on "slim to none"?)
More to come. Leave your idle speculation in the comments.
Update: We told you they read this blog: Chiarelli is going to be Vice Chief of Staff of the Army (and pick up a fourth star). One of Charlie's more knowledgable friends assures her that this is, in fact, a good move as it should allow him to make some big changes in the Big Green Army. Raise your hand if you're holding your breath...
Update II: And while we're racking up assurances: Petraeus is said to have more than a passing interest in Afghanistan. Good. So do we.
Update III: Be sure to check out AM's separate post regarding "IRAQCOM."
Update IV: Danger Room has a pretty good round-up of initial reactions.