November 29, 2007

COIN Education

And now, a short administrative announcement from the folks who bring you this blog:

This blog was first started to be a resource for all those out there looking to learn more about insurgency and counterinsurgency. Charlie is a long-time student of COIN who now teaches it to the U.S. military, and Abu Muqawama is a one-time practitioner of COIN who now studies it formally. The real mission of this blog is to pass along some of what we've studied and learned in the hopes that the readership might find some interest in it all. Accordingly, the two of us keep the Counterinsurgency Reading List updated and have now added a new section for the Counterinsurgency Book Club to the right.

Have fun hitting the books, and feel free to post something in the comments if we need to cover something you feel we've been ignoring. The goal is, always, to provide a service to the readership.

And to gossip about the Red Sox, of course, and bring you the news about the latest East Tennessee alien sightings.