April 11, 2011
The REAL Reason We Were Serving Bud Light Lime at Friday's Hail & Farewell*
I just want to say, in all seriousness, that I am very proud my employer is partnering with the White House and Gen. Stan McChrystal in a new initiative in support of military families. This is a great and worthy project, and it's initiatives like these that remind me why I enjoy working for a think tank led by two veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
*There is a small but intense contingent of staff at CNAS who like Bud Light Lime, and if you were to draw a Venn Diagram of "CNAS Staff Who Drink Bud Light Lime at CNAS Social Functions" and "CNAS Staff Who Drink Diet Mountain Dew The Rest of the Day" you would see an almost total overlap. Horrifying, I know.