May 02, 2011

This Weekend's News:

This weekend's natural security news consisted of just a few pieces barely worth mentioning. The big news is obvious, I'm sure most of you were up much of the night watching the amazing news unfold, and you should spend your time reading about that today. Looks like video of Osama's compound are coming out, and sources like Foreign Policy and The Atlantic have had particularly good pieces. Cheers to all our friends in (and veterans of) the Navy, intel community, Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, and law enforcement agencies, etc. It's your day. Hell, it's your year.

The Week Ahead

Today at 4:30, the Atlantic Council will be discussing “Divided Europe: The Politics of New Nuclear Power in the European Union.” On Tuesday SAIS is holding an all day conference on the “Transatlantic Agenda for Natural Gas Supplies: Energy Politics, Market Transformation and New Technologies.” At 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, the Wilson Center will be hosting an event on “Canada Crude to China: Prospects and Barriers of Increasing Chinese Imports of Canadian Oil.” Then at 2:30 p.m., go to the United States Institute of Peace for “To give or not to give: What's Driving the Current Deliberations on DPRK Food Aid?” On Friday at 9:00 a.m., the Wilson Center will be discussing “Choke Point: China- Confronting Energy Demand and Water Scarcity in China.”